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Shipwreck Download Bittorrent


Updated: Mar 28, 2020

About This Game Shipwreck is a top down adventure game in which you must travel the land, explore dungeons, and defeat monsters to earn safe passage off the island on which you are stranded. Shipwreck is the first game from Brushfire Games, a small game studio in Redmond, WA, run by brothers Nick and Joe Gravelyn. Shipwreck was created by these fine folks: Nick Gravelyn - Programming/Design Joe Gravelyn - Programming/Design Ty Lagalo - Art Dan Waters - Music/Sfx a09c17d780 Title: ShipwreckGenre: Adventure, IndieDeveloper:Brushfire GamesPublisher:Brushfire GamesRelease Date: 25 Feb, 2014 Shipwreck Download Bittorrent I didn't like this. The whole thing felt like a Game Maker tutorial project.It's short. Really, really, really, really short. You can get 100% in less than 2 hours.Graphics and screen size are built to be remeniscent of a Game Boy Zelda, but the high-quality sound effects and music clash with the 8-bit graphics.Overworld is just a big empty maze with no enemies, no secrets, and no interesting puzzles. It's just a bunch of shrubs and dead-ends, like the developers simply forgot to add monsters, or decided there was no point.Swordplay is painfully awkward, and enemies don't make a satisfying "crunch" sound when they take damage or die.Dungeon puzzles amount to nothing more than "You have to go through hallway X before you go through hallway Y." There are only about six types of enemies to fight in the entire game, including bats with the most irritating flight patterns I have ever seen in any Zelda-like.There's practically no story. No unsettling themes, no NPCs who tell you anything relevant, no huge conspiracy or plot twist. The bad guy is exactly who everyone says he is, and you kill defeat him to stop the storms and sail off the island just like everyone tells you to. The game makes no effort to hide the fact that you're just going through the standard motions of a Zelda game, but with none of the parts that make it fascinating or addicting, like using new items to solve puzzles or finding secret areas.Any positives? Well, a few. In this game, instead of enemies dropping hearts, they drop apples, which you can collect and eat later when you need them. Alternately you can buy bread from the shop which heals four hearts at once. I thought that was very good idea.The desert dungeon was a total blast. It was huge, had great atmosphere, and had some actual puzzles. It was the only time when the game felt like it was reaching its full potential. The Lighthouse was a bit annoying, but it was also a very well-designed and challenging final dungeon.The soundtrack feels too overproduced to fit in a retro Zelda game. Nevertheless, it's quite pleasant to listen to.Overall, I give this game a giant "Meh." It's not terrible, it just felt uninspired and pointless. Achievement hunters looking for an easy 100% should get this game. People looking for a homage to Link's Awakening should get this game, only if they're willing to lower their expectations to the absolute minimum. Otherwise, try Anodyne, which is a much more involved and heartfelt take on the same concept.. Wonderful trip back to the 90s. The game mechanics are rather simple. There is no levelling, no weapon upgrades.But still, the game does a lot of things right. Well-balanced enemies, unique boss fights (although they are too easy for my taste) and some good retro-atmosphere all over.I actually did not like the music. It seemed rather bland and even annoying... especially within the town area and the outskirts.If you're looking for a game to satisfy your need for a few hours of classic RPG-gaming this game is for you (approx. 2 to 3 hours of gaming fun). If you're looking for a more in-depth experience with more emphasis on story-stelling, be sure to check out Anodyne.. Reasons For Recommended:1. Very well designed2. Like Legend of Zelda, puzzles are well-made3. Bosses are interesting and well thought-out4. Easy to obtain achievements, most are obtained by merely playing the gameNot as Good:1. Story was vague and almost boring2. Only 3-4 hours gameplay3. Not a variety of weaponsComments: I like the gameplay but it is not a very long game. I think that the creator of the game could have added more a variety of weapons to make the game more interesting and allowing more difficult puzzles. The story was a bit vague and could have used more characters.Main Plot:A ghost haunts a lighthouse. The ghost causes storms to ravage the island, thus ships can no longer travel to and fro. The hero, a young adventurer, crashes their ship during one of the storms and agrees to get rid of the lighthouse ghost. In order to do this, she must collect the four seals to open the door to the lighthouse.. I just got all the achievements for this gamePros: its short, its cheap, its a fun zelda-like gameCons: its a little too short and the developers don't intend to add any DLC or stages to the game. There isn't much use for gold past a certain point. Shipwreck is a short, cutesy top-down adventure reminiscent of the GB\/GBC era handheld JRPGs. It was primarily created by brothers Gravelyn with art and music contributions by Ty Lagalo and Dan Waters respectively.There isn't much in the way of a story: basically, you get shipwrecked on an island unknown to you and learn from the town inhabitants that the frequent storms are caused by an entity which dwells in the said island's lighthouse. You agree to help the folks out to earn your sail back home.Just like a classic Zelda title, the gameplay mainly revolves around traversing dungeons in search of the four seals that act as a key to the haunted lighthouse, your final destination. The dungeons themselves are more-or-less multi-layered environmental puzzles, each themed differently from one another, that you need to overcome with the tools at hand. You get your sword and shield early on, followed by a bow and a pick-axe coupled by a lantern. Each dungeon is populated by an assortment of two-hit baddies and a boss which serves as a guardian to the seal to be found within. The scope being limited, there isn't much else to do in the game world apart from overcoming each dungeon one by one. This being a Zelda inspired title, there isn't any levelling up and the interaction with the overworld (which is devoid of any random encounters or enemies, by the way) as well as the townsfolk is bare-minimum. Even if you search every nook and cranny, it takes 3 hours at most to see everything the game has on offer.Still, considering there's only four guys behind it, Shipwreck's successful at evoking a feeling of byte-sized nostalgia. What it lacks in depth and length, it makes up for it with lovely pixel art and heartfelt, moody music. The relative ease of progression, alongside the basic two-button control scheme and a bug-free ride add up to the overall 'feel-good' experience.If you are fond of the time you've spent with the portable adventuring titles of olde, Shipwreck's well-worth its asking price. Plug in your gamepad and go for it in a sunny afternoon.. Shipwreck is a retro style top down adventure game that is quite obviously influenced by games in the Legend of Zelda series. It's a fun experience. Basically, your ship gets wrecked on this island, so you need another to leave. You adventure to get one, but the only way to do so is to use the one ship on the island once the mayor allows it. So you end up having to help the mayor solve the island's problem. A ghost showed up recently, locked itself away in the island's lighthouse, and has been causing storms which disrupt the people's way of life. You must stop this evil ghost. To open the lighthouse, you need to obtain four seals, each in their own dungeon protected by monsters. Typical adventure stuff. Go to the dungeons, get new items, use the items to complete the dungeons and fight the bosses. Get the seals. Do the final dungeon, beat the final boss, and win the game. Also, you more than likely will be able to get all the achievements just by playing normally, which is good if you care about getting achievements I suppose. The music is alright. The retro style is nice if you're into that. And you get to run around hitting things with a sword. What can I say? It's fun. However, I feel this game has some rough downsides. While it's clearly inspired by Zelda games, it seems to lack a lot of what makes Zelda games so entertaining. There's not much story in Shipwreck, instead just surviving on a main plot. That's fine by me, but some people will see this as a point of disconnect. My point of disconnect was moreso from the fact that there's a distinct lack of characterization. The main character has no personality or lines, but that's because it's YOU. The part that bugs me is that none of the people in the game have any real personality. Everyone is rather bland and most of the townspeople will say nothing of consequence to your journey or the world building. It makes them feel very forgettable and doesn't motivate you to help them. All the villain does is cause storms, so there's not a lot there to make you really hate them or understand them as a villain, which is sad for the main villain of the game. So your only real motivation to beat this villain is to leave the island and beat the game. Kind of a weak motivator. Another strange thing is the overworld. Zelda games have overworlds, but... they have things in them for you to do. In Shipwreck, there are a decent number of screens on the overworld to explore, but there's no point in exploring those extra screens. There are no enemies to fight in the overworld. No secrets to find. I believe there are one or two houses to enter. One has an item you'll need, the other might just have some treasure. But there's a desert, a swamp, a forest, even a graveyard in the overworld that are all empty. There are dungeons in four of the areas, a town in the center, and the final lighthouse to the North. That's it. The areas leading to the dungeons are just small mazes. I can understand this being cool for one, possibly two areas. But all four? It feels a little bit like padding. Why not put some enemies in here? Thow in some puzzles or terrain I need my new item from the previous dungeon to overcome. Something more than just a change of scenery would've been greatly appreciated and give the overworld more purpose. The dungeons aren't too bad. I just can't help but feel like the dungeon bosses could've been cooler. Maybe that's just me. The puzzles in dungeons were also a bit lacking. There could've been more or just trickier ones that required more thought. Still, I will admit the dungeons were probably the best part of the game. I think having more items would've opened up a lot more possibilities here. You can equip any two items at a time, but there are three empty item slots. I can't imagine why. Perhaps I've missed something, but it just feels like there was supposed to be more items than what we ended up with. Plus, none of the items were that creative. Sword and shield are basic. So is a bow. Having two slots for healing items, one for each specific one, is a bit silly since this is the only way to heal on the go. I like that you keep all the health you pick up because of this, but switching to the healing item every time can get tedious. And the pickaxe is probably the saddest item because, while it's cool for the dungeon you get it for, it serves no putpose outside of that. Why wasn't breaking rocks to get to new areas or breaking walls in other places part of the gameplay? Why was the pickaxe a one and done dungeon item? It just seems like such a missed opportunity. Also, while I liked the retro look, I wasn't too fond of some of the art and color choices, but that's not a big deal.Overall, Shipwreck is a cool little game. It just could've been so much more. There's lots of good ideas here, but they need to be explored. The adventuring in this game isn't much, even though the gameplay that IS there is solid. It is also fairly short, as I beat it in one sitting. It's only three bucks at full price. I'd say that, if you're a Zelda fan, or want to get into Zelda games without the stress of learning all the references or paying full game prices... this is a good start. But if you're a Zelda fan... don't come into this expecting Link's Awakening 2. It takes the basics of Zelda games and cuts to the chase, sacrificing most of the charm. If it was more expensive I wouldn't recommend it, but it's not bad for the price. If you're looking to test out Zelda basics, or if you're already a big Zelda fan, you'll probably appreciate this game. Otherwise it might just be too bland for your taste. Make a sequel expanding on these ideas and I'm sure I'd give it much more praise. I'm easily suckered into Zelda type games so make those improvements and you have a sale right here already.https:\/\/\/eP7Q41HetLg. Shipwreck is a short (~2-3 hour) action-adventure game in the vein of a simplified version of the earlier, 2D Zelda games. The game features 6 dungeons total, each of which has puzzles, keys, and a boss. Items include a bow, sword, shield, and healing items. The game is developed primarily by two brothers and it shows as a labour of love; this is the kind of independent PC game that was being made before Steam became a big thing. At $2-3, the game is priced to reflect the short length. I don't think it's going to displace any of the Zelda games in the pantheon of gaming greatness, but it's a fun little game with a lot of charm and some enjoyable puzzling. I had a great time and ran through the game in one sitting. If short, simple, and sweet is what you're looking for, I think Shipwreck is worth a look.Game has achievements and trading cards, although Steam recently changed trading cards so that they don't drop until 2 hours of play so you might not get any unless you take your time or idle the game afterwards.Edit: One other thing worth mentioning. The music, while a little repetitive, has the feel of the late 90s-early 2000s PC tracking scene (.mod, .s3m electronic music). This really contributed to the feeling of playing something that would have been a cool shareware or independent game I would have stumbled on a decade or more ago. Really nice.


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